1 日 時 2023年4月14日(金) 15:00~17:30
2 開催方式 現地開催及びオンライン配信
3 会 場 広島大学霞キャンパス 凌雲棟5階R501 (広島市南区霞1-2-3)
4 その他
The Hiroshima Summit Commemorative Speech Contest for International Students will be held on the occasion of the 2023 G7 Summit to be held in May this year, with the aim of encouraging international students in Hiroshima to express their thoughts in Japanese on the theme " Thinking in Hiroshima, Peace, the Earth and Our Future".
It has now been selected that Mr. Qi-Heng Wen of PUH, will participate in the final contest! He will give a speech on his thoughts on peace on the theme of the A-bombed train under the title 'A treasure that cannot be discarded'. Congratulations and good luck to Mr. Wen!
The final will be held as follows. If you are able to attend, please come and watch the competition.
1 Date and time: Friday, 14 April 2023, 15:00-17:30
2 Method: On-site and online transmission
3 Venue: R501, 5th floor, Ryoun Building, Kasumi Campus, Hiroshima University (1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima)
4 Other
(1) If you wish to watch the event online, please register at the following URL. There is no deadline for applications. https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_05te5STeRHCAkMYmmcPz5Q
(2) If you wish to visit the venue by car, please park in an available parking space on campus. You will be given a parking ticket at the reception desk.
(3) Eating and drinking are not permitted in the venue.