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現在地 トップページ > 生物資源科学部 > 【地域資源開発学科】留学生との交流会




2021.4.30 R2-R3入学生合同のオリゼミを開催した折に,当学科教員の研究室所属の留学生に協力頂きまして,学部生と留学生の英会話交流を行いました。現在 入構制限中により対面でのコミュニケーションは叶いませんが,留学生から率直な感想を頂きましたので まとめて紹介します。
交流の後は 記念撮影です。

*学科オリジナルサイトでもオリゼミの紹介をしています。 是非ご覧ください。


1) The experience we had was truly amazing. To be honest, a number of students honestly said they were afraid of the event, and after knowing it wasn't scary, those same students ended up loving it.

Several other students told me how much they enjoyed the event and how useful it was to them. One student commented that he had done English practice before. I am sure and some of them also believe that this event is very positive to be able to build excellent communication between foreign and Japanese students themselves. That is very fun.
2) I would like to appreciate about the agenda in last friday. My comment is Japanese student felt shy which might cause for the first time. I think it can be continously to make catch emotion in each other and little by little the shame is reduced.
3) Thank you for giving us a great moment to participate in the new student
orientation agenda last April 30. For me, it was a lot of fun, even if only for a short time. We could learn to develop our English skills with Japanese students. We also shared many stories, hobbies, daily activities, and also told them about Indonesia.

This is an important point for us to be able to establish friendly relations between foreign students and Japanese students. I hope that an agenda like this will not only be one-time, but it can become a sustainable agenda in the future.
4) I will give some comments and my impression about the orientation day, last Friday. The orientation activity was very fun. I was happy to be able to interact and communicate with students. We share stories about my country and about Japan too, and I shared my experiences to study aboard. I hope it could improve our knowledge. Besides, this activity is the right moment to practice English conversation.
5) I would like to say thank you to include me in the orientation for new students. It was the first experience for me and I enjoyed it very much. I like to share with everyone, especially about my country. The thing that I always mention is how diverse Indonesia is. This topic is a trigger of curiosity, and Japanese students asked me some memorable questions, like "how hot is my food" or "how I do my worship while I live in Japan".

They tried their best to deliver the questions to me, it remembered me when the first time I talked to foreigners.
It was hard for the first time, but one time we made then it could be easier. I saw some of them start enjoying the onversation afterward. This event lets allow to motivate them to explore the relationship with foreigners and next time can share their experience, knowledge, and of course about Japan to the others.

Last but not least is my hope that the objectives of this activity will be achieved and there will be more events like this in the future. Thank you.


Laila, Afan, Aisyah, Riska, Endar, Rori, and other students, I (SO) would like to express my gratitude for your kind assistance.

Arigato & Terima kasih!